Winning Court Record

Case 1278 Hit and Run

Client was investigated for being involved in an accident, leaving the vehicle behind, and running from the police.  Client was cited for Failure to Stop After an Accident and Failure to Control a Vehicle.  Client faced a significant license...

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Case 1277

Officers were investigating a report of an accident.  Officers found client behind the wheel of a vehicle that had crashed into a parked car.  Client was found to be intoxicated and the vehicle he was in was stolen.  Client refused to...

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Case 1276

Client was stopped for driving the wrong way on the highway.  The stop turned into an OVI with a .17 breath test.  Client cited for OVI and Super OVI, both 2nd offenses within 6 years.  Client had a prior OVI conviction 3 years earlier....

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Case 1275

Client was spotted by an officer at 2:30 A.M. standing in the middle of the road in town.  The officer recognized the client from a prior incident.  It appeared to the officer that the client was about to run and the officer grabbed the...

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Case 1274

Client was stopped by officer for almost striking the curb and then crossing into the other lane and almost striking a parked car.  While pulling over, client struck the curb.  The officer smelled a strong odor of alcohol and saw a 6 pack...

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Case 1273

Officers responded to a residence from a tip of an under age party.  Officers engaged in surveillance and determined that marijuana was also involved/  Officers were unable to get a search warrant.  Officers staged up of site and...

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Case 1272

Client was stopped for expired registration.  It was determined that client’s license was under suspension for an OVI conviction 2 months before this stop.  The officer detected an odor of alcohol and red and glassy eyes.  The...

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Case 1271

Client was stopped for driving with one head light.  Client was found to have a suspended license.  Client was cited for Driving Under Suspension. Negotiations with the prosecutor resulted in a conviction for Operating without a Valid...

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Case 1270

Client was stopped not having functioning rear license plate lights.  Client’s license was suspended for failure to reinstate a previous license suspension.  Client had a previous Driving Under Suspension. Client had been called by a...

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Case 1269 Failure to control

Client was cited with falsification for lying to officers about how an automobile accident occurred.  Client was accused of trying to cover up the fact that he had been consuming alcohol and trying to avoid an OVI.  Client was cited with...

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Case 1268

Client was indicted for Tampering with Evidence, a felony of the 3rd degree, and Theft, a felony of 5th degree.  Client was accused of stealing a purse and then disposing of it. Negotiations with the prosecutor resulted in convictions for...

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Case 1267

Client was indicted for Burglary, a felony of the 2nd degree, Theft, a felony of the 4th degree, and Theft, a felony of the 5th degree.  Client was accused of breaking into numerous cars and garages throughout the city.  Client faced time in...

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Case 1266

Client was known by officer to not have a valid license.  Client had approximately 30 suspensions, 2 of which were for felony OVIs.  Officer saw client driving and pulled client over.  Client was cited for 3 different Driving Under...

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Case 1265

Client was stopped for not displaying front license plate.  During the course of the encounter with the client and the passenger, the officer decided that he wanted the drug dog brought to I75 to search the vehicle because the client looked...

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Case 1264

Client stopped for doing 37 mph in a 20 mph school zone. Client’s license was also suspended. Client was cited for Speed as a 3rd violation within a year and Driving Under Suspension. The 3rd moving violation within a year could have resulted in...

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Case 1263

Client stopped in town for crossing the center line and a loud muffler. Officer said client had glassy eyes and an odor of alcohol. Client refused the field sobriety tests and refused the breath test. Client cited for OVI, Marked Lanes and Muffler...

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Case 1262

Client was in 2 separate fights involving multiple people. When the police came to investigate, client lied to the police. Client was cited with Assault and Falsification.   Negotiations with the prosecutor resulted in a conviction for Assault...

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Case 1261

Client was indicted on a Felony 2 Felonious Assault charge for injuring an infant. Client faced up to 8 years in prison and a $15,000 fine. Client attended counseling and negotiations with the prosecutor resulted in a conviction for a Felony 3...

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Case 1260

Client was involved in an altercation outside of a bar. Client cited with Assault.   Negotiations with the prosecutor resulted in a conviction for Persistent Disorderly Conduct and a $100 fine.

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Case 1259

Client has an accident at an intersection. Client’s license was under suspension. Client was cited for Driving Under Suspension and Failure to Yield.   Client was able to get license suspension cleared up and the DUS was dismissed and...

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Wilson Law

101 North Front Street
St. Marys, OH 45885

Primary Phone:
(419) 394-2323

Additional Contact Info:
Phone: (419) 738-2323
Fax: (419) 394-5755