Winning Court Record

Heroin OD In Local Restaurant Bathroom

Client was found OD’d in a restaurant bathroom.  Client was revived and hospitalized.  Client was charged with Felony Drug Possession. Client entered an intensive inpatient rehab program.  I applied for Intervention of Lieu...

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Multiple Prior OVI’s

Client was called in by another driver as a reckless driver.  The officer could smell a strong odor of alcohol on client.  Client had a “thick tongue” and slurred speech, and his eyes were bloodshot and glassy.  The officer...

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OVI Reduced To Physical Control

Client was stopped for a faulty license plate.  The officer smelled a strong odor of alcohol and client had bloodshot and glassy eyes.  Client admitted to having one beer.  When client tried to exit his vehicle, the car rolled...

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Child Uses System Against Dad To Get him Removed From Home

Client ordered his child (13yo) to the bedroom for being unruly and hanging out with others with known criminal records.  Child has a history of unruly problems (police intervention).  When client went to check on child, client found child...

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120mph OVI Crash

Client was alleged to be driving 120mph when he took an off-ramp.  Client subsequently totaled his vehicle when he lost control.  Once the paramedics released client, the police took over.  The officer gave client the field sobriety...

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Drug OVI That Was Reduced

Client was followed for 5 miles by another motorist.  The motorist called in client to 911 and said client was all over the road and almost hit 2 cars head-on.  When client got in town, she rear-ended a car stopped for a red light.  No...

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Underage OVI Reduced to Reckless Operation

Officer was following 18 year old client.  Client went off the right side of the road several times.  While entering a curve, client went over the double yellow line.  After the officer stopped client, client said he was lost.  The...

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Saved Client’s Job (OVI Charge)

Client drove by the officer’s location “rapidly” and officer observed client go over the white edge line several times.  Client also drove left of center during a left hand turn.  Client informed the officer that he had...

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OVI Cost Job, Reinstated In 5 Days

Officer noticed client making a left hand turn, but completely going off the road and missing the intersection.  Client went around the road signs and then got back on the road.  The officer initiated a stop.  The officer smelled...

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Client Had A Rare Documented Chronic Medical Condition

Client was stopped for violating Marked Lanes.  He was called in by another motorist as a drunk driver.  The officer watched client drive outside his lanes.  Client admitted to drinking alcohol earlier in the evening.  Client had...

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Obstruction Charge Reduced And Rolled Into A Package Deal

Client was arrested for Disorderly Conduct and Obstruction of Official Business.  Police officers were investigating a potential fight in a parking lot.  Officer came up to client and asked for an ID.  Client initially began to comply,...

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Speed Citation Changed To Non-Moving Ticket

Client was stopped for going 68mph in a 55mph zone.    Negotiations with the State resulted in a conviction for “No Windshield”, a non-moving violation.  $100 fine. 

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Accident on I-75

Client was cited for causing an accident on I-75.  Witness said that client veered out of his lane and hit her (witness’) car.  Both cars were traveling in the same direction. Trooper found client by tracing his plate and the vehicle...

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CDL Saved

Client was stopped for noticeably weaving several times, then going over the white edge line.  At the time, the was another vehicle between the officer and client.  The officer immediately smelled an odor of alcohol.  Client did fairly...

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Owner Of Car Was Under Suspension, Driver Pulled Over

Client was stopped because the registered owner of the vehicle was under suspension.  The officer had run the plate.  Client was not the owner, but looked similar to the owner.  However, client was also under suspension.  Client...

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Liquor, Drugs and Underage

Client was stopped for not having a front license plate.  The officer spotted several empty bottles of hard liquor in client’s car.  Officers found marijuana in client’s car.  Client was 19 years old.  Client cited for...

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Driving Not Bad, OVI Amended To Physical Control

Client was stopped for not using a turn signal.  The officer could smell a strong odor of alcohol and client had glassy and bloodshot eyes.  Client did pretty crappy on the sobriety tests.  In fact, client began crying.  After a...

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Client cited for OVI

Officers found client backed into a pole in a parking lot.  Client smelled of alcohol and was administered and failed the sobriety tests.  Client tested .158 on  the breath test.  Client cited for OVI, Improper Backing and...

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Sometimes, Things Just Go Right

Client was stopped for slightly driving off the right side of the roadway and later not using a turn signal.  Client passed the counting and alphabet tests.  Client failed the other sobriety tests.  Client blew .158 on the breath...

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Multiple OVI Convictions, Saved CDL

Client was stopped for going left of center during a left hand turn in town.  The officer noticed that the client had glassy and bloodshot eyes and smelled of alcohol.  Client’s speech was slurred.  Client admitted to...

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Wilson Law

101 North Front Street
St. Marys, OH 45885

Primary Phone:
(419) 394-2323

Additional Contact Info:
Phone: (419) 738-2323
Fax: (419) 394-5755