Client wrecked a dirt bike in a ditch on a country road. Officer on the scene detected and suspected alcohol was involved. No field sobriety tests were given due to injuries. Once at the hospital, client refused a blood alcohol...
Client wrecked a dirt bike in a ditch on a country road. Officer on the scene detected and suspected alcohol was involved. No field sobriety tests were given due to injuries. Once at the hospital, client refused a blood alcohol...
Client was arrested while intoxicated for badgering police officers while they were attempting to get a crowd under control at a bar. A scuffle ensued resulting with client on the ground and officers on top. Client cited for Resisting...
Client stopped for losing control of his car in the ditch of a country road. Client exhibited the typical signs of alcohol consumption. Client failed the field sobriety tests. Client refused the breath test. Client was cited for OVI and Failure to...
Client was stopped for Lanes of Travel. Client exhibited the typical signs of alcohol consumption. Client failed the field sobriety tests. Client refused the breath test. Client was cited for OVI and Lanes of Travel. Client attended a 3-day...
Client was stopped for speeding. Client smelled of alcohol and had glassy bloodshot eyes. Client also had a red flush face and relaxed face muscles (whatever that means). Client admitted to drinking alcohol and had slurred...
Client was stopped for driving left of the centerline. Client smelled of alcohol and had bloodshot glassy eyes, and was unstable when standing. Client failed the field sobriety tests. Client tested .161 on the breath alcohol test. Client was cited for...
Client seen on surveillance taking money from a receipt book left to pay the bill at a restaurant. Negotiations with the prosecutor resulted in a conviction for Unauthorized Use of Property and a $200 fine.
Client stopped for a headlight violation. Client’s speech was stuttered, slow, and slurred and he had a very distinct odor of alcohol. Client’s eyes were bloodshot and glassy. Client admitted to drinking at a local...
Officer followed client’s vehicle for 3 miles until it pulled into a gas station. Officer had seen only a minor traffic violation. 2 people were in the car. Officer circled around gas station back to the vehicle and parked next...
Client was stopped for doing 80 in a 65 speed zone. Client smelled of a strong odor of alcohol. Client admitted to drinking alcohol. Client performed and failed the standard sobriety tests. Client passed the alphabet and number...
Client was stopped for speed. Client smelled of alcohol and had bloodshot and glassy eyes. Client was unsteady on his feet when exiting the car. Client failed the field sobriety tests. Client refused a breath alcohol test. Client was cited for...
Client was stopped for speed and no license plate light. Client had a strong odor of alcohol, glassy bloodshot eyes, and a flush face. Client’s speech was heavy and slurred. Client’s speech was heavy and slurred, and client admitted to...
Client was stopped for speed and failing to dim his headlights. Client had a strong odor of alcohol and there were empty beer cans in the backseat. Client failed all field sobriety tests. Client tested .176 on the breath alcohol test. Client was...
Client was stopped for speeding. Client a strong odor of alcohol and had bloodshot and glassy eyes. Client admitted to consuming five beers. Client failed the field sobriety tests. Client tested .161 on the breath alcohol test. ...
Officer encountered client’s car as it lay in the road on the driver’s side, where it came to rest after a one car accident. Client denied any injuries and refused care from the EMTs. Client smelled of alcohol and had very slow...
Client was stopped for not using a turn signal. Client had a strong odor of alcohol and bloodshot and glassy eyes. There was also a 12 pack of beer on passenger seat and also a cooler of beer. Client was 20 years old. Client...
Case #1202 Client was stopped for driving with no headlights at 1:00 A.M. in the morning. The officer smelled alcohol and the client admitted to drinking beer. Client failed the pen test and the one leg stand. Client passed the walk and...
Client was stopped for driving at 2:00 A.M. with no headlights. Officer smelled an odor of alcohol, and client had bloodshot and glassy eyes. Client admitted to drinking beer. Client failed the pen test and the walk and turn test. Client passed the...
Police responded to a stalker call in a residential neighborhood. Caller described client and the vehicle that was parked in front of the house. Police found client in the driver seat but the vehicle was not running. Client denied...
Client was found asleep in the vehicle. Client was under 21 years old. Client admitted to consuming alcohol. Client charged with Under Age Consumption. Concern for client was college scholarships as some schools now adopt a zero...
101 North Front Street
St. Marys, OH 45885
Primary Phone:
(419) 394-2323
Additional Contact Info:
Phone: (419) 738-2323
Fax: (419) 394-5755