Winning Court Record

OVI Citation

Client was stopped for going 64mph in a 55mph zone, left of center, and right tires traveling off the road into the gravel. The officer observed a faint odor of alcohol and bloodshot eyes from the client. Client failed the sobriety tests. Client blew...

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OVI Citation

Client was stopped for not using a turn signal and traveling off the road to the right.  The officer smelled alcohol.  Client had passengers who were clearly drunk.  Client was removed from the car to perform sobriety tests. ...

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Super OVI Citation

Client was pulled over for going over the white edge line several times and almost going off the roadway. The officer had to activate the siren several times before the client realized the officer was trying to stop him (the overhead cruiser lights...

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Multiple Charges

Client was stopped for doing 81mph in a 55mph zone. The officer smelled the odor of burnt marijuana. The officer found marijuana in the car along with a prescription (indicating not to take and drive). The client admitted to taking the medication...

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OVI Citation

Client was stopped for driving with no headlights (only parking lights were on). The officer smelled alcohol and asked client to perform the Field Sobriety Tests. The officer stated that client failed all sobriety tests. Defendant tested .124 on the...

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Speeding and OVI

Client was stopped for speeding, 65/55. Client was currently under an OVI suspension, with the requirement that client may only drive with an ignition interlock device installed in the vehicle. Client was driving a vehicle without the interlock....

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OVI Citation

Client was stopped for not using a turn signal while changing lanes. Yes, that’s the law. The officer immediately smelled a strong odor of alcohol on the client. The client denied drinking. The officer stated that the client showed signs of...

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Bad Checks

Client was charged with 7 counts of passing bad checks, all First Degree Misdemeanors, each carrying a possible 6 months in jail and $1,000 fines.   Negotiations with the prosecutor resulted in client paying full restitution to the people that...

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OVI Citation

Client was stopped for running a stop sign in front of an officer. Officer recognized the client from earlier in the evening from a domestic dispute. Client was intoxicated during the prior encounter. Client had slow and slurred speech when the...

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Multiple Charges

Client was stopped for driving excessively fast and it turned into an OVI arrest. Client tested .112 on the breath test. A couple of months later, while 1st case was still pending, client gets involved in a domestic altercation, which turns into...

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Failure to Move Over or Slow Down

Two Highway Patrolmen had a vehicle pulled over. Client drove by the officers without moving over or slowing down. Yes, the law requires it. Client was trying to chase down a party bus that had left client at a bar. One of the officers took off and...

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OVI Citation

Client was stopped for not driving in his lane and for not having a rear license plate light. Client failed the field sobriety tests. Tests were given in a gravel parking lot that was covered with ice and snow and it was raining out. Client tested...

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Dismissed Charges

Client was stopped for not having 2 working headlights. Client had passengers. Officers ordered all the people out of the car. Officer found that the 2 passengers who were under age were under the influence. Officer searched the vehicle and found...

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Hit and Run

Officers responded to a report of a hit and run driver.  Officers arrived at the scene and found a car that was parked in front of a residence that had been rear-ended.  Officer spotted client 2 blocks away trying to limp the vehicle...

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Theft and Trespassing

Client was indicted for Felony 4 Theft of Prescription Drugs, Felony 5 Trespass, and 3 Misdemeanor 1 Thefts, for breaking and entering into vehicles and garages to steal the contents. While most of the evidence against the client was circumstantial,...

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OVI Citation

Officers had been “tipped” to be on the look out for a drunk driver. A vehicle matching the description passed by the officer and then suddenly pulled over to the side of the road and parked in a parking spot on the street. Officer went...

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OVI, Illegal Alcohol Content OVI, and Left of Center

Client was followed by police and stopped for driving left of the center line.  The officer said that he smelled alcohol on the client.  Officer said that client failed the eye test and the walk and turn test.  Client passed the one leg...

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Misdemeanor Theft

Client was indicted on over 20 counts of Felony 5 Theft.  Client was accused of systematically stealing money from an employer.  Client faced 1 year in prison for each charge.    A prolonged negotiation with the prosecutor was...

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Assault Falsification

Client reported to officers that client was assaulted at a 4th of July party.  While client may have been assaulted, not all the information supplied to the officers was accurate.  The officers began to doubt client was assaulted at all, and...

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Case 1279 OVI and Failure to Maintain Reasonable Control

Client drove car into a ditch and flipped the vehicle several times.  When the police showed up on the scene, the paramedics were treating the client.  The officer smelled alcohol on the client.  Police photographed several single cans...

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Wilson Law

101 North Front Street
St. Marys, OH 45885

Primary Phone:
(419) 394-2323

Additional Contact Info:
Phone: (419) 738-2323
Fax: (419) 394-5755