Client and friend (who I also represented) were racing through town at 50mph. Officer went on chase and was able to stop both individuals on the other side of town. Clients were charged with Reckless Operation. The officer’s video...
Client and friend (who I also represented) were racing through town at 50mph. Officer went on chase and was able to stop both individuals on the other side of town. Clients were charged with Reckless Operation. The officer’s video...
Client was stopped for the registration sticker on the license plate having expired. Further inquiry by the officer found that’s the plates on the vehicle were registered to another vehicle. Client was issued a citation for...
Client was stopped for driving left of center several times. The officer noticed an odor of alcohol, bloodshot glassy eyes, and a beer can in the driver’s door pocket. Client tested .110 on the breath test. Client had a prior...
Client was attending a gathering with other people at a house when police officers came barging in. Several individuals were cited for underage consumption. Client was 19 years old and admitted to drinking and cited for Underage...
Client and friend (co-defendant I also represented) were racing through town at 50mph. Officer went on chase and was able to stop both individuals on the other side of town. Client was charged with Reckless Operation. The officer’s...
Client was stopped for doing 113mph in a 70mph zone. Client had 3 prior speed convictions within the last 1.5 years. Client faced jail because of the amount of the speed and a probable license suspension for the amount of the speed and...
Client was a passenger of a vehicle that was stopped for expired tags. The officer smelled burnt marijuana and client was acting very nervous. Ultimately, client was cited for possession of marijuana and paraphernalia. Client’s...
Client was cited on several occasions for possession of marijuana and paraphernalia in client’s vehicle. Client’s greatest concern was the mandatory minimum 6 month license suspension on each of the charges. Client was also charged with No...
Client allegedly hit a city utility pole bringing down power lines and then driving off. Officers determined that client was the perpetrator from eyewitness accounts and parts and fluid trail that lead to client’s house. Defendant...
Client was tased when he failed to stand down during a brawl at a public event. Several officers tased client and ultimately subdued client. Client was charged with Resisting Arrest and Disorderly Conduct. Negotiations with the...
Client was stopped for driving over the white edge line. Client admitted to drinking during a Buckeyes game at a local restaurant after officer remarked on the client’s eyes. Client failed most of the sobriety tests and said...
Client was stopped for doing 145mph in a 70mph zone (the kind of stuff the police live for). Client’s concern was losing the right to drive at all for 1 year. Negotiations with the State resulted in a conviction for 145mph...
Client had a few friends over for beers (all were underage). Word got out over social media and a few friends turned into a large crowd, which drew the attention of the police. Client was cited for Underage Consumption and Providing a Place...
Client was followed by officer for driving on the fog line, then crossing the fog line. Client pulled into a private driveway and stopped. Given the time of the night, the officer returned to the residence to see if the car was registered...
Client was cited for reckless operation. The officer alleged that client was spinning his tires through an intersection (hole shot) with the engine racing the whole time and the tires smoking. Review of the officer’s video indicated...
Client was charged with Underage Possession. Client could have potentially received a reduction, however client had a clean record and wanted nothing on it due to future college aspirations. Client applied and was granted Intervention in...
Client was charged with unlawful restraint for blocking another individual from leaving client’s presence. This was in the context of a domestic style dispute. Negotiations were protracted and case took many twists and turns....
Client was cited for going 98mph in a 70mph zone. Negotiations with the prosecutor resulted in a conviction for 85mph in a 70mph. $143 fine and court costs, 2 points assessed. Client was from out of state and was able to resolve...
Client was cited for going 70mph in a 55mph zone. Negotiations with the prosecutor resulted in a conviction for No License Plate Light. $150 fine plus court costs, 0 points assessed.
Assault at NASCAR event March 27, 2023 Client was charged with assault at a local NASCAR event. Client’s position was client was engaged in self-defense when client gave a woman a black eye. The State stood firm that it was either...
101 North Front Street
St. Marys, OH 45885
Primary Phone:
(419) 394-2323
Additional Contact Info:
Phone: (419) 738-2323
Fax: (419) 394-5755